Iota tau spring 25 rush week 2
The brothers of the Iota Tau Chapter welcomed PMs back for an exciting week 2 of rush! The highlight of the week was Meet the Sinfonians at the end, but PMs we’re also able to enjoy dodgeball and a bad movie night with the brothers!
During these events, PMs we’re able to learn more about the brothers and our unbreakable bond through music. We shared one rush event, dodgeball, with the brothers and PMs of Phi Boota Roota. Through this week all the brothers and PMs enjoyed their time together and getting to know one another.
We are excited to announce the pinning of 14 Potential Members of the Upsilon Class! Our sincerest of congratulations to those great men, and best of luck to you all! We look forward to seeing each of you grow and make it through the process. On and Ever Upward!